Service dogs can assist with psychiatric
or physical disabilities.
Get an SDA Kit so your dog can
accompany you everywhere you need.
Qualifying Your Dog as A Service Dog
Service dogs offer great assistance, but not all pooches are up to the job. If you have been wondering how to get a service dog identification, Service Dogs America can help you answer a few basic questions to ensure that your dog can be a great service dog.
Does My Dog Qualify As A Service Dog?
Just 2 Easy steps!
As a Service Dog, your canine assistant will be able to accompany you into any publicly accessible space including restaurants, museums, airports and airplanes, theaters, stores and parks. You can train your Service Dog to meet the specific needs of your disability.
Service Dogs America recognizes that you may train you own dog and supplies you with the appropriate identification to allow your dog to accompany you anywhere the public is allowed.
It is important to be sure your dog is adequately trained to qualify as a service animal. Review the statements to the left. If your dog meets most of these criteria, mark the checkbox at the bottom and continue on to the payment form.
With an identification package from Service Dogs America, you will have all the materials necessary to clearly identify your dog as a Service Dog and avoid awkward confrontations when entering public places with your dog. You are responsible for training your dog and ensuring that your dog meets most of the the criteria of this test.
Your Identification Package:
Your identification materials will arrive within 3-5 working days from the time you order
- A Service Dog Vest with Embroidered Service Dog Patch
- Plastic Wallet Card (photo optional)
- DOJ Wallet Card
- Customized Metal Collar Tag
- Service Dog Certificate
- Information Booklet
- March 2025 Special
- All for $199 (+ S/H)
- Optional Extras:
- Ask To Pet Me patch
- Do Not Pet Me patch
- 6 Foot Stainless Steel Clip Leash
- Service Dog Collar (m,l,xl)
- Walking Harness
Customer Testimonials
Thank you Paul so very much for sending the jacket for Bella so promptly. It received it this morning and I am now ready for my trip to Maui. I truly appreciate your effort in making all of this come together for us.
Hello Paul!
I picked-up my parcel at the local post office. I have been going through the information and I am extremely pleased with the documentation and the quality of the harnesses. I have no regrets for choosing you to register my two dogs and will let others know.
Nanook, Suka and Luc!
Ref: SDA # 6217 - Hirohito. Your package with all the appropriate documentation arrived this afternoon. You are to be congratulated on assembling such a thorough and well throughout presentation of reprints of important information. I would certainly recommend you to any one that I thought would be a credit to SDA.
Thank you again.
Ronald Keats - NYC,NY.
You sincerely do have the best customer service; I'll be posting your info on my Autism site 🙂
A ellis ADE, B.S., M.Ed.